About J.U.S.T.

Our Vision:
To contribute to increasing 3rd level educational opportunities for the people of Ballymun, helping them to realize their full potential in a real, tangible way.
Key Features
1. Providing educational programmes and support programmes to third-level students and prospective third-level students.
2. Collaborating with other local organizations in providing teaching resources and student-support resources physically based in Ballymun, which will serve the community of Ballymun and act as a model for similar initiatives in Ireland more generally.
3. Collaborating with other educational bodies in providing opportunities for access to third-level education through mutually supportive mechanisms and in a manner which complements existing services and resources.
4. Building on the work of local organisations engaged in education to identify potential participants in third-level education and support their educational and other needs prior to and during their participation in the project.
5. Promoting opportunities for the sharing of educational and other expertise in a resource efficient manner.
6. Enhancing the ability of all parties to address social disadvantage in higher education.
7. Promoting opportunities for joint research.
Our Values:
- Inclusion not exclusion
- Self-reliance
- Working in partnership
- Local ownership
- Integration, not replication
- Creation of new expectations
Strategic Goals:
- Make 3rd Level participation a realistic option for as many people as possible
- Build a practical & effective support network
- Create new horizons & realising full potential
- Education is a right & opportunity
- Ownership within the local community